14 April 2019

"Stay-at-Home Mom"- Full-Time Job

By Rupal Jasraj Patel (Child Psychologist, Parenting Coach, and Parent & Child Counsellor)

A lot of eyebrows will be raised on reading that.
"She doesn't know what a full-time job means! She has probably never worked in the real world and then come home to do household chores!"

And there will be many sighs of relief too!
"Finally someone understands!"

Earlier the moms who chose to go to work were reprimanded constantly!
"She doesn't care about her kids. She is never around for them!"

Over the years, the tables seemed to have turned.

I keep hearing about comments the stay-at-home moms have to listen to, whether from their spouse, in-laws, family or friends.

Comments filled with envy..
"Oh, you don't work? How lucky, you have so much time on hand."

Demeaning comments..
"I just can't sit at home. Such an idle life."

And some to make the listener feel useless...
"I can't make it today. Some people work you know!"

Those who pass these comments have probably never worked at home or looked after a child full-time. Or even if they have, they haven't really "taken care" of the child the entire day to know what it entails.

Yes, I do agree, that a mom who stays at home but spends all her time only watching television, going to salons, kitty parties and sleeping while the maid looks after the child or the children are left to fend for themselves, is not creating much value.

And of course, the ones who work in an office and come home to a pile of housework have a lot to do. However, the list of things to be done at home, throughout the day, is endless too! That shouldn't be undermined either!

Some moms don't have an option and need to work to support the family finances. But many moms have a choice - some choose to have a career while others prefer staying at home, to look after their home and kids.

Sometimes, it may be easier to go outside and work, than face the tantrums of a child and the non stop banter in the house! Many use work as a form of escapism from their daily lives, consciously or subconsciously.

Either ways, both choices are exhausting! And nobody has the right to judge or belittle their decision! We must learn to respect each one's choice! 

Whether a mom chooses to be a career woman or a home maker, she is following her heart; her own path. And as long as she is creating value for herself and others, she deserves nothing less than a huge round of applause!